Pictures from facebook Dyrfjallahlaup

Dyrfjallahlaup 50 Race Report

Another 50 kilometer race done. This time in Iceland. Dyrfjallahlaup.

First of all. Have you been to Iceland? Do you have it on your bucket list? If not. Add it. If you haven’t gone there. Go. Will I come back. Just a question of time.

This is my second time on Iceland. Last time I only visited one part. Now much more. But still so much to see. After the race we went around Akureyri. Honestly I think I could live for a while in that area. It has everything I search for. And on every field you see big groups of horses. Isn’t that just the dream of every little girl?! (Or boy for instance) An adventure Island with wild horses, volcanos, waterfalls, lava fields, stone and ice miracles, cool birds, canyons, mountains, beaches, polar lights and midnight sun etcetera.

The island is amazing. Some parts very accessible, others remote and will be a challenge to visit. That is why the country is so exciting as well. Even though the inner parts and some of the outer parts and the West fjords might be remarkable, only following the ring road is a very cool experience as well. We were short on time, but drove the Ring road with a few drives out and in, though not on the very gnarly roads since we didn’t trust our rental car that much. An advice is to rent a car that can really go through rivers and uneven terrain. And also, don’t miss several days tour riding. We did that 10 years ago on Iceland and it is still one of the best moments I have.

How ever. This was going to be a race report, not an ad for Visit Iceland. So here we go. We got our bibs the day before and then drove an hour and a half to an airbnb. We were this night too comfy to sleep in our tent. But it was not so comp in the end to drive so long back and fourth. With half of that way gravel. But yeah, yeah. To the race morning.

Ice chilly freezing cold as fck morning. We wore down jackets and long pants and thick head band. Was it okay to run the race in all this as well?!

We had imagined a slightly bigger race. But it didn’t bother us that it was a small, local race when the organizers are so passionate about it. We were so humbled and happy to be here. Funny with those races we were some minutes late on ”schedule” but who cares? Just when every one with bibs are ready to start we go! The bus to the starting point went in on a small gravel road and stopped by a small bridge and a tiny trail. Here was the start. I was shaking because I was so cold. I decided to bring my down jacket with me in my vest. If something happened up there I would then be ok together with a survival blanket as well. If you know what cold is, then double it to describe the Iceland coolness. And this day was not even described as cold.

We weren't so many in the 50 k start, but many more in the 25 k. So in total a few hundred.

How ever the race went off just like that. And we stumbled across big and small creeks into a single track. It was rolling and very runnable into a valley. But gosh, it got hot just after a few minutes. Apparently after 10+ years of racing I haven't learnt a shit about how to dress. There were three guys in front, then me, Lina and a girl breathing us in our necks. Sweat was rinsing like pearls dow my face. But it was fun running. We were in good spirits. We reached a snow field and the track got steeper so we had to walk. Around 4,5 k in. I was soaked. All of us started to take clothes off, finally. And had a little chat.

Andrea comes from Iceland. Later on she said it was fun to run with some girls. There aren't so many "fast" ladies here around. ”So usually on races on Iceland I run alone” she laughed. We enjoyed each others company for some kilometers up the first climb and over to the other valley. What a great skiing paradise. It had been snowing in May. So very much snow and so much fun to run down in. And you know what? It was blue sky and sun! I had no shorts, no tank top, no sunglasses and no sunscreen. I had expected fog and wind the whole course.

But the four of us by now, also an Icelandic man ran down with laughter and joy. We could see the fjord and ocean, the cliffs together with the snowy mountains and fields with flowers. It was so so beautiful and I was so happy to see anything of the area and course. I might have said it on all races this year. But parts of this course was also the best I have ever been running. I just love the mix of Scandinavian nature and higher mountains together with sea and snow.

As we came out on a gravel road the sun was burning on us. What a weird forecast we had this morning. Lina and the other guy were a bit behind. And Andrea and I ran together. But after some time my stomach started to cramp and I couldn’t keep the speed. Up. Andrea was disappearing in front of me. But I kept on going and could enjoy the road along the sea side. Once we hit the trail I looked several times back to see where Lina was. I always get worried when she is not in front of me. HAHA. But then I saw a glance of her and could continue with comfort again.

I too a chocolate gel but opened it too little so had to squeeze hard to get anything out. Then I realized I had squeezed half of it all over myself. My arm and my stomach was covered in brown sticky gel. So nice… Lina came along and we shared a downhill. Then we went jojoing a few k before I got a low point. After 25 k my hip got so stiff. It took a while before I felt comfortable running property again. When I reached a pass Lina had made a move and bombed down. I couldn’t keep up. But we also went into the same course as the 25k runners, so by passing some of these runners I got self confidence. And also as the weather turned worse, thick fog, cold winds, and a very strong headwind. I grew stronger. And also got closer to Lina again. Bad weather is my right element. And the trail was smooth and fun.

I was impressed by the organization again. On many point of the course the mountain rescue had people to watch so that we, runners were okay. They spoke Icelandic so much. Sometimes I just smiled and nodded. Other times I got explained in English. One guy said on the second last downhill that Lina was just 2 minutes in front in the fog. I began my hunting. I felt fast and played down the trail, pushing hard. And as we hit the beach and had caught up with her. And I said ”Damn you were fast down” She just stared back at me, turned her head and started sprinting. It was only about 4 k left, and to my disadvantage, it was a stupid vertical left to face. All 25 k runners walked up here. But both Lina and me were in such a race mode against each other now and pushed each other so hard. Though I had really made my goal of reaching Lina, so my legs were pretty much done. But I was satisfied with myself to run all the way up that steep last trail. And bombed downhill the last 2 k. It felt like in a video game, passing people in zigzag , jumping from here to there, and I could really feel I had a good flow. Though Lina had the same feeling and won over me this time as well. But I was so happy and it was so fun in the finish. Though very cold again. We chatted a bit with the others but didn’t stay too long.

A warm shower and relaxing was needed.

I Highly recommend Dyrfjallalaup The Borgarfjördur Eystri is an amazing area, known for the island of puffins as well. So cute. And very good hiking trails. Thanks again to the organization and all volunters and the runners we met and shared the trails with. Thanks Ieland for having us. We will be back. Especially winter time for some skiing!


Andrea in the middle, (could you tell?) and the small cliff of puffins in the background.