Well, spoiler above, Lina won. :P

Fjällmaraton 45 K Race Report 2024

I had recharged and felt better after the vertical. But I had also, very stupid twisted my knee on a run in Ullådalen. My plan to cheer on the mountain on the 100 k runners that thursday was instead changed to biking to Ottsjö and cheer there, and bike to Edsåsdalen and cheer on them there again. It was a very nice and fun day.

After that I had a day of just chilling to get fit until the marathon on saturday. But somehow my legs just felt heavier and heavier as the day came closer. I felt helpless. But I was also very happy that Lina finally announced she was coming home from adventures in Chamonix! So, she would land at home late evening the night before. So, of course we entered her as well. Twin it to win it! 😀

As I was chilling in the sofa I scrolled through social media as found some clips of Simone Biles performing on the Olympic Games. I’m always so fascinating about the gymnasts. So talented. And she had her crystal dress on and was just a sparkling superstar. I also wanted that feeling. And posted on my Instagram account. “Maybe the sparkling dress is what I should wear on the marathon tomorrow to be able to perform as Simone?” I didn’t think so much about it, but just an hour later I had so many DMs that I should absolutely wear it. So, I called mum and ask her search for Linas and my old dancing glitter shirts. And she found them.

I prepared Linas’ race stuff as well. And that morning we cut the glitter shirts like tank tops. The arms weren’t so comfy, so tank top would do great. We also felt it would fit great because Fjällmaraton celebrated 20 years 2024. So of course we have to shine!

I also got so happy and motivated to run when putting it on. Everything felt so much better. And as we entered the starting area, I think we made other runners put on a wider smile as well.

The race is 46,5 approximately with 4 climbs. Mostly runnable and soft trails.

I was very unsure about my knee, and also had some issues with my calf since Ischgl 85k. I took it pretty easy and controlled the first 8 k, in misty mountains, light rain and humid weather. I didn’t bounce down, neither up the trails as I wished. I felt super heavy and super afraid of my knee, but after some time of sliding in the very muddy trails I felt, “Okay, it works with it, just now, try to run!”

But my running was horrible. Up a trail where I normally feels very good up Renfjället I walked very much and forced myself up. As I was up on the top though, the weather cleared up, and the familiar view of my home made me so happy inside and I really enjoyed running the soft flowy trails there, but I fell, and I fell, and I fell. Laughed at myself that I sled so much in the wet and muddy conditions, but hey, can I please just stand up!?

Mum and dad were cheering on different positions, and many people I know, and also other people were spread out on the course to cheer, and that really gives so much!

I accepted my heavy feelings, but after Edsåsdalen (halfway) I felt a little bit better and could keep a steady pace. By the river it felt like someone shot me in my arm and I shouted out loud “FUUUUCK!!!!!”. It was probably a wasp. Funny though, Lina also got stung on the same arm at the same place and we heard another friend same, and he also talked to another guy, so we must have passed a wasp nest over there.

Up through forests in the extremely muddy conditions. I had three guys behind me. Saying “I was strong”, and I was “a good engine”. But I didn’t take it as a compliment, because I was so frustrated at myself. And I felt they just tried to be kind to me. So, I took a gel, told myself I got hell a lot of energy from it, and left the guys behind me. That felt good.

The course after the muddy forest section is amazing between Grofjället and Hållfjället. I loved that part. You see so much of the Jämtlands Fjällen, and it is just amaaazing. I had such a Runners High here. Felt so good to be home.

After the second last aid station I asked for the salty cucumbers (best on races) and they had it! “You can also have a hot dog if you like” They said. I didn’t take one. Would you? 😛

When it is just about 6 k to go. The course was different from what I thought, I got surprised by a small and also very muddy trail in a thick forest instead of a fav trail on the kalfjäll towards the finish. I like soft trails, but maybe not thiiiis soft and muddy... But I guess it was good for the mental game to train a bit extra. Those 6 k felt long. But had much more energy than in the beginning of the race, so got also a bit frustrated that it wasn’t easy running so I could speed up more.

How ever it was a very good feeling to cross the finish line, I was proud that I continued the whole way even though it felt so bad, and seeing Lina in the finish, as sparkling as I was, as a winner. (I got just off the podium, 4th, but it didn’t really bother me) I had got so many cheerings and still felt like Simone Biles.

The weather was sooo good and we had a swim after what I had been longing for the whole race. And hang around after at home is just something else. Fjällmaraton will always be very Special. Thanks again!