Pictures from the race by TVB Paznaun - Ischgl

Paznaun Ischgl Ultra Trail 85 K Race Report

Last year me and my boyfriend Hannes took some videos and photos from the courses of the race. We did it together with two other athletes, Anja and Martin, each of us representing one of the four distances of PIUT. I represented the 85 k, Martin the 50 k, Hannes the 30 k and Anja the 20 k. (There were also a 10 k and a kids race).

This was the first edition of PIUT. Same organization have been running the Silvretta Run 3000 some years, which Lina and I took part in 2022. But then it was much gravel and road and a little trail. You should know that Ischgl has some of the most beautiful and breathtaking mountain areas I know. I love the mix between flowy mountain trails and ridges in between glacier and rocky peaks. Very cool. So, with feedback from some athletes a group of people created new courses and formed Paznaun Ischgl Ultra Trail including much more trail into the race.

I’ve been longing for the race since we made the marketing last year, and finally it was race week. Lina would join me on the 85 k with nearly 6000 meters of elevation. For me, the longest running race I have done (except orienteering and PTL). The three of us stayed in Sonne Hotel which is situated in the heart of Ischgl village and offers cute rooms, super service and staff and delicious food. Their desserts are to die for.

How ever, the weather for the race weekend wasn’t very reliable. And after heavy rains some weeks before where trails had been destroyed, the race staff worried about the forecast which showed rain and thunder. They didn’t want the runners to get caught in stone fields avalanches of course. So, in last minute, the 30 k, was completely with a new course, from very exposed ridge running and technical stuff to road running and a part nice trail. Also, the 50 k and the 85 k had B courses, but not that much change as the 30 k. But all runners were excited anyway. And after all, the rain didn’t come during the race hours, just the hours before. So that was a nice surprise.

Exactly like on Iceland I had expected fog and rain, but was instead suffering from the sun once again. But it was indeed very pleasant too. Our race started 02:00 am. My sleep before was very bad, because my stomach completely shut down. I don’t know if it was nerves together with something I ate. Again, my belly is far from my best friend. This time I had to visit the forest about 10 times (no, really, I stopped counting during the race). But let’s take it from the beginning. I’m so good at making the beginning of my race report short, but, here we go:

With heavy rain and thunder in the distance Lina and I gathered with a group of other runners by the bus stop in the dark night. We laughed at each other. What are we doing? Everyone shaking of the cold rain. We covered ourselves in our raingear and ponchos. Soon the bus appeared and took us to the start further down the valley in See. Both of us had decided to run with Merrell Long Sky 2 Matryx. Very good shoe for long distance with good comfort at the same time fast and light.

The rain kept on pouring down and the fog was thick, but the mood of most runners high. From being very cold in the rain, as soon as the start gun went off, the rain stopped and it got very humid and warm. It was though very nice to run with the headlamp in the calm night. We had about 8 k uphill on a gravel road. It was a good “warm up” to get into a flow in the night. Lina and I were very glad to have each others company. It felt a bit like PTL but with light pack. We chit chatted all the time and laughed and had a really good time out there. I love night running. The trail began and we ran along the mountain, seeing lights of the villages in the valley far down. But otherwise black. A guy passed us with the comment “So here is the Swedish house mafia”. And there we were, feeling strong and happy. We continued passing the first aid station by a glass hut with pastries and sport drink and the morning became brighter and brighter. It was amazing to look back and see the fellow runners head lamp like a necklace along the mountain side.

Andrea from Iceland had her phone very often in her hand, filming during the Dyrfjallalaup, and I questioned myself then why I hadn’t. So now on this long race I had mine in my waist belt and filmed and took photos. It was fun documenting and gave me more energy and endorphines. You might think you don’t just take up your phone when competing. But hey, why not? It takes a few seconds, and on this race I’m really glad I did. I t is nice to look back on the videos and photos and reexperience the moment.

The flowy trail came into some sharp and very slippery rocks. It was steep on the sides, so we slowed down very much. Lina a little bit too much for me. So here I took the lead and continued to meet the sunrise my own, but aware of that Lina would most likely pass me later on in the coming uphill's.

The sunrise was amazing over low clouds and pink, purple sky. I yet again filmed and talked swedish with who I thought was Lina in my back as I glanced a white tank top. But then I realized it was another woman runner, Marie Luise. I laughed at myself a bit. But then started to speed up and played along the trail. Leaving a gap between us again. It was after the second aid station my belly again started to bother me. I had to find a good spot for doing some private things. As I climbed up from the gravel road on a grassy hill side Marie Luise passed. I apologized for my business going on. And didn’t see her more until the finish line. I didn’t get any flow in the downhill and once the uphill started from Kappl Lina was in my heels and passed. None of us had wanted the day to start. The night had been so perfect. Now the sun started its BBQ. What happened to the rain forecast?!

The heat was one thing, but the climb was so nice too. Even though my belly was fucked up, I enjoyed the trails so much though the fog and sun beams where the high peaks appeared, and a rainbow showed off through some misty clouds. There were all kinds of mountain flowers surrounding the trails and here was I, a happy, but tired runner. So, I did what I know rise my motivation. I put some music on. Just 6 simple songs on repeat. A weird mix, but a mix that made me faster and happier. My “race pepp” list consist of “Better days” with Benjamin Ingrosso

“Highway to Hell” with AC/DC

“He’s a Pirate” with Hans Zimmer

“This is the way” with E-Type

“Langt å gå” with Klovner I Kamp

And “Tacata” with Latyn Boys.

I’m smiling for myself writing down this, you better try the list on your next run!

Back to the race. Even though I felt slow and exhausted, I passed a veeery tired guy, and I hope I gave him more energy with E-Types “This is the Way”. When I’m tired, I always visualize the other competitors around me, equally or more tired that I am, then I feel stronger. I also caught up with Lina and we trotted together with “Tacata”. And now my spirit was so high, so I once again sprinted away from Lina. She shouted “DU ÄR GRYM!” after me, and I kept that as a mantra with me. To be mentally strong is the most important part in ultras. Remember that.

I passed the highest point where we also had had a photo shoot last year. And with good memories and continued running with the loud music on. The downhill was the B-course, a very steep, slippery grassy hill. And just like that I sled and twisted my legs in weird direction. Laying in the mud and grass for a while just breathing. Did I break anything? All parts together? I took it very easy down that long mountain trail, didn’t want to end the race broken. Once I hit the road in the valley it was so hot, and my speed was slow. But I was in a good mood. I had decided to have the music on. It was hard to put in any energy, I forced myself, but as soon as I took anything my belly started to work as a Jet plan. The next stretch to Ischgl was tough. We had been out running already for longer than I expected and had 35 kilometers to go. Shit, this is long...

I planned to refuel well on the aid station in Ischgl after not having taken anything for a very long time. but as I ran into the village Hannes came towards me filled with adrenaline “I finished 2 minutes ago! Second place!” Very happy and encouraging. I was also happy to see him. But totally forgot to bring more than a watermelon piece and a candy. He ran together with me for hundred meters and just that gave me so much joy before I was on my own again. Running now together with the back of the pack from the 50 k runners and 30 k runners. I took many on the last long uphill towards a ridge, but I was of course also exhausted. Good thing was that I passed another aid station I didn’t know about and grabbed some mini bretzels and cookies before the VK-climb.

I had done this stretch on the photo shooting too, so it felt pretty short. But it looked like the other runners struggled so with especially “High Way To Hell” I really made people gaining strength. A group even sang a long as I passed.

The trail on the ridge and down and along the mountain was just so much fun. I bouncned down, floating over rocks and was so happy. As I came closer to the valley I looked at my watch and got a bit confused as it was only showing soon 75 k, but we should have turned left to reach Galtur and then have 10 k to finish, so I thought I had missed the 85 k turn and was now only on the 50 k’s course. But as I doubted, I saw Hannes further down waiting for me. And apparently, I had downloaded the A course. With the updated version it was shortened so there were only 5-kilometer flat road running left to finish!

I felt relieved. Often race tend to end up longer than expected, so with shorter distance I was very thankful this time. Hannes was biking behind and beside me, filming and shouting and saying encouraging words. I was more just focused to get forward. Feeling like a clumsy, tired hippo on the road. Where did my bounce, light feeling gone? But I was also happy and proud to make it to the finish. But could I come second, or would Lina or someone else catch me now in the end?

I was so stressed. I tried to wake up my legs again, but just the final 2 kilometers I felt little bit faster and could push and enjoy the finish. What a race! What a finish! And so special to finish with Hansi on my side. Just some minutes after Lina came in as well.

We had a nice afternoon and evening and a very good time in Sonne and later on in the van up by Silvretta, Bielerhöhe. We had also E-bikes one day from Bruendlsports in Ischgl. And before the race very fun trail and ridge running. Love this place so much.

Hansi 2nd in 30

Martin 4th in 20 (he changed to that after some troubles)

Anja 1th in 20

Lina 2d and I 2nd in 85

My team, Sonne (One runner in each category) also won!

Next up; no plans. Maybe Fjällmaraton at home. 😀